About Us
Somken Development Aid : - Has duly complied with the relevant provision of United States of America statues and is formed or authorized to do business under classified public charity humanitarian AID in USA and beyond at international level with all powers, rights, and privileges subject to limitation duties, and restriction set forth in that chapter of organization exempt under IRS - Internal Revenue Service Section 501 (C) (3) NGO for Humanitarian-aid -Public Charity approved by Secretary of States and Director of Internal Revenue Service USA The main operation will be inside Somalia and Kenya and head office based in Minnesota USA
Somken Development Aid: - Established for the sake of public service Aid delivery in Somalia to respond to current need for Somali people in order to sustained and strengthen and promote human right culture, peace building, good governance initiatives we also stand up for creating opportunities championing rights of people who are been neglected in all kind of livelihood during the civil unrest and tackle humanitarian crisis in South/Central Somalia
Somken Development Aid: - is well established organization and managed by independent non-partisan native professionals whom have been experiencing practically & technically on various field of capacity buildings on humanitarian sectors and community development projects as they have had special trainings to the sectors of humanitarian interventions, Human rights, child protection and capacity building programs.
Somken Development Aid: - Advocate those who has been deprived their rights as marginalized communities and we shall organize them to modernize sectors of Agriculture, Education, Health, Water activities and become self-sustainable and to contribute the society their knowledge of expertise.
Professionals on humanitarian sectors of SOMKEN felt that there is an argent need to interventions and they had the ability to access the grass roots and act as a bridge between the suffering and distressed local communities that are willing to volunteer Somali people with the help of international organizations, well-wishers and charities. This was the philosophy behind the establishment of SOMKEN Somalia.
Working togetherness for socioeconomic development to the target societies through the strengthening their capacity and the implementation of the programs and humanitarian and protection interventions with participatory approach to all levels of community to defeat poverty, ignorance and reach prosperous with stability and protective environment.
Elimination of extreme poverty, empowering the vulnerable communities, creation of development program, a life of freedom and dignity to everyone regardless race, ethnicity and sex, free of violence and human rights abuses in the horn of Africa, justice and peace are our vision.
(a) Reconciliation, united and community development
(b) Provisional implementation programs, living harmony and good neighborhood and protection of individual health
(c) Integration of views and community activities under this institution
(d) Develop and economic potential grow way to the Greenland community
(e) Planning and methods, strategy oriented to prevent the transsexual deceases like HIV AIDS and other spreading deceases
1. Create human power resources
2. Modernization, globalization and how to use Health equipment other facilities
3. Encourage technical using health equipment
4. Modernization of health tools
5. Modernization methods and quality of medicine
6. Resettlement, integration, health development
7. Protection of women and children and its health resources
8. Living and working in a creative and friendly environment
9. Create an environmental allowing to live in harmony, peace, and stability in the region
(f) Promoting community awareness is inevitable:
1. Avery one from the community, especially the displaced people should have the right of basic education
2. Create adult education (illiteracy)
3. Establish domestic schools only for the women and upgrade the women’s knowledge
4. Establish vocational training schools to rehabilitate the youth
5. Possession educational policy, to be possible in the nearest future a new secondary schools, institute and university only for the region
6. Recruiting highly skilled workforce in the field of research and innovation
7. SOMKEN in collaboration with religions leaders, intellectuals, women group and youth, to encourage them their inevitable interest, to alleviate them in this harsh situation
8. SOMKEN to attained its objectives and goals, work in restoring good heath l community dignity in which they were enjoying before the civil war in the other Somali communities
(g) . Establishment of vocational center of health training community.
(h) . Establishment health posts for emergency relief and hospitals to prevent especially child clinic: dehydration, cholera and other diseases related to malnutrition
(i) .To become reasonable this inspiration in the near future, the Somken will make sure the following steps:
1. The communities who permanently live in the city areas should support and extend unreserved their effort to Somken
2. The businessmen, and middle-class traders should support, extend a tangible hand and encourage the Somken programs
3. The members of the community who lives abroad, should participate how to restore, develop and economical growth to the community
1. Education
1. Primary Education
2. Vocational Training
3. Upper Primary
4. Adult Education.
5. Health and Nutrition
2. Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
3. Tuberculosis
4. MCH
5. Food security
1. Livestock
2. Rural Agricultural Department
3. Food Aid
4. Flood Management
5. Irrigation Canals Rehabilitation
6. Water, Sanitation and Infrastructure (WSI)
1. Urban Water
2. Rural Water
3. Infrastructure
4. Good governance
1. Human Rights
2. Gender
3. Child protection
4. Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR)
5. Economic Recovery
6. Training and Rehabilitation
- To base on Somali cultural and traditional art institute (Recourse Center) which is a focal point for the community initiatives in the fields of peace promotion and integration of community development projects.
- To promote income generating activities and create vocational skills for the youngsters, women, and IDPs to become self sufficient and reduce the level of poverty living.
- To improve the rights of women focusing on the issues such as female genital mutilations FGM, early marriage, and other forms of discrimination's against girls and women.
- To promote Understanding better relationship among the communities and attitude change for working together for peace and development in the society and creating good atmosphere of stability in whole the state including environmental protection and wildlife.
- To carryout constant youth awareness on HIV/AIDS prevention skills.
- To promote internal discussions among human rights activists, on the work of media and journalists toward contribute of national heal and development.
- To promote a human rights culture and peace in society by working towards awareness raising, mobilization on attitude change and empowerment of the marginalized community, IDPs, women, children, CBOs, and involved Local NGOs and the government law enforcement institutions/agencies in order to protect the rights all persons (women and child rights especial focus).
- To monitor population movement tracking (IDPs)
The Organization’s target groups include:
Women and Children
The Poor
Communities affected by disasters (Natural and man-made)
Youth and the vulnerable people
The Displaced
Communities with special needs
Our Core Values
We work to foster sustainability, project development and advancing human dignity anywhere within our reach between communities in different sectors and supporting/partnership programs.
Requiring them to work and ensure equal opportunity for everyone irrespective of race, age, gender, sexual orientation, HIV status, color, class, ethnicity, disability, location or religion.
From any religious or party-political affiliation while maintaining a consistently high morally standard ethically to our colleges, our partners and those who we serve, while building relationship for trust.
shall be in the basis of our commitment to the fight against poverty eradication and economic development socially and environmentally.
shall be in the basis of our commitment to the fight against poverty eradication and economic development socially and environmentally.
shall be in the basis of our commitment to the fight against poverty eradication and economic development socially and environmentally.
shall be in the basis of our commitment to the fight against poverty eradication and economic development socially and environmentally.
Our Projects
Our purpose is to outline the linkages between community, business entity, stakeholders, corporate donors, foundations and government to achieve SDGs and Vision 2030 through Youth/Women and marginalized persons as key milestone.
Furthermore, we seek to increase the coverage and quality of Women/Youth projects environmental Conservation, Governance, Social Recreational activities like sports, peer pressure, Health (HIV/AIDS), Health care, art/culture environment conservation tree planting exercise and other components that will benefit Women, Children/youth in communities within Nairobi area; Dandora/Kayole Matopeni, also marginalized areas specially Northern part of Kenya and most areas that have been affected by Human ignorance
Project objectives
This project proposal has two main objectives as mentioned here under:
To respond to the needs of a rapidly growing business and education sector in Kenya and Somalia municipality by producing the quality and quantity of educated people sufficiently equipped with the requisite knowledge to solve the society’s problems in order to meet the challenges of development and attain competitiveness at regional and global at large at affordable costs.
The project is in line with government efforts to establish as many pre-schools, primary schools and secondary schools as possible so that many children get access to education. Quality basic education is very important to even the poor children. People of Kenya and Somalia constitutes empowerment; and it is one of the tools that will empower the country in different aspects of the war against.
Priority need
The priority need of this project proposal is to have an education institution which will join hand with the ministry of education’s effort of having a nation with high level of education at all levels; a nation which produces the quality and quantity of educated people sufficiently equipped with the requisite knowledge to solve the society’s problems in order to meet the challenges of development and attain competitiveness at regional and global at large at affordable costs.
Project Scope and Key Activities
The Project scope will consist of four main components. The objective of these components is to design the health facility of the Internal Medicine Building in Kenya and Somalia as per international standards, construct the health facility according to the original design scheme, provide the necessary medical equipment and electromechanical systems to perform effectively. In addition to providing capacity development in the form of staff training in subjects that are conducive to enhanced health service quality.
The overall objective of this project is to create an enabling environment for the community of Kenya and Somalia so that they can be self-dependent, contribute to the development of the area and be an active participant in development effort of the nation.
Specific objectives are to inculcate entrepreneurial skills in the youth to become self- employed, and initiate the youth to be engaged in sporting activities, small business, skills training, ICT enterprises and other similar innovative and creative projects.
To improve the living standards of people within our communities in extremely marginalized areas of country through farming projects, sewing projects, entrepreneurs’ creation and training, educational activities, skills development and training (in areas of computer literacy, business creation and management) and support.
Project Objectives and Key Activities
The project’s objective was to strengthen the communities’ resilience to climate change impacts, and its variability, through awareness-raising and capacity building activities in water security and natural resource management. Building on local knowledge and using a participatory approach, awareness raising workshops were held on climate change, its short-term and long-term impacts on the communities, how they can cope in a sustainable way and how national policies can be influenced by their actions.
The project activities for water security included the rehabilitation of the community water catchment that was out of use for 40 years; the construction of an earth pond system (which also supports the objectives of the Pleasant Valley Reforestation Project); the development of a sustainable water harvesting system; and the awareness-raising of community members on the productive use and care of rainwater harvesting ponds and catchment. These activities improved water availability and quality for irrigation especially during incidences of floods and droughts.
The water management initiatives supported agro-forestry activities. In this regard, adaptive management tools in Sustainable Land Management (SLM) were applied accordingly and together have led to improved production in agriculture and/or other land-based/cottage industries. In turn, these have led to food and water security, as well as income generating activities.
Targeting Strategies
The program will focus on MVCs in Kenya Counties and Somalia Federal States. Vulnerability is measured by the experience of poverty along three dimensions: deprivation, exclusion and vulnerability.
The project defines the MVC as those children facing Deprivation, Exclusion and Vulnerability (DEV Framework). The DEV framework is based on solid research whose findings revealed that poor children are not only deprived of essential material conditions and services, which is the focus of most approaches to child poverty alleviation. According to children, they also describe their experience of poverty in terms of exclusion—they feel excluded on the basis of age, gender, class, caste, etc. They go further, to describe their experience of poverty in terms of feeling vulnerable to threats in their social and physical environments. Examples of these dimensions of experiences of poverty are: Not having enough food to eat (deprivation), not remaining in school for girls because of their gender (exclusion), anticipating being orphaned.
The project will be maintaining the outcomes, goals and products, institutionalizing the process through the development of broad-¬‐based partnerships that foster collaboration, involvement of all stakeholders: parents/guardians/grandmothers, pupils, politicians, community leaders, school administrations and provincial administration. The project will also develop an outreach plan to share resources and expertise. At the community level continuous community conversations will enhance more dialogue and action taking on education matters which will ensure a demand seeking behavior for target communities to the government and non-¬‐governmental partners. Community microfinance is also believed to be a powerful sustainability tool towards a community/school feeding program in Kenya and Somalia
This families are in the outskirts of the district of Dinsor of South West state of Somalia. They originally moved from different parts of South West & are in need of basic human needs for survival such as food,shelter,water & important means to settle either as farmers or pastoralists. They also need Primary education for their children.
The cost of a decent local house for a family is $1500 USD. including toilet & Kitchen. Watch More
Our C.E.O
Chief Executive Officer/Chairperson
Mr. Abdibasid Sharif Abdinoor.
In the Name of Almighty lord the Benevolent the Merciful, It is important for me to continue what I believe to be my vision, mission and purpose in life and that is to provide a place for everyone to have sustainable, affordable, peaceful life in this world, where authentic communication and programming can connect people and bridge cultures. We believe with our Innovation, Projects, Technology, Products and Humanitarian Programs there will be a positive change in the world.
My life experience and variety of life lessons and circumstances, have informed my motivation to establish this organization; I have gone through a journey of personal transformation, with a broadening shift and a continued commitment to do my very personal best, to make a difference in the world; As an independent non-profit organization Somken Development Aid (SOMKEN) has the main objective of developing in the field of health, educational, cultural and economic sectors of the communities particularly those who are less fortunate living in the conflict zone and poor.
The core aim of Somken Development Aid (SOMKEN) Elimination of extreme poverty, empowering the vulnerable communities, creation of development program, a life of freedom and dignity to everyone regardless race, ethnicity and sex, free of violence and human rights abuses in the horn of Africa, justice and peace are our vision.
Our Causes
Volunteer with us in one of our projects, ranging from Health, Girl Child Education, Women empowerment, support on Peace building and Human Security Programs and mainstreamed with cross cutting sectors governance, Environment and public education awareness about drug abuse in the regions. SOMKEN DEVELOPMENT AID is non-partisan, impartial and not operated for profit working in Kenya, Sudan, Somalia, and Ethiopia. In Kenya, Nairobi, Garissa, Mandera, Kilifi, Isiolo Machakos, Busia and Counties of Northern Eastern Province.
Awards, News & Events
The Chief Executive Officer / Chairperson of SOMKEN DEVELOPMENT AID Abdibasid Sharif Abdinoor.
Honored to receive certificate of appreciation from His Excellency Ambassador Musa Kulaklkaya for participation and contribution of OIC Organization Islamic Cooperation in the field of Public Employment Agency (ISKUR) and Statistical Economic and Social Research and Training Centers for Islamic Countries (SESRIC).
Appointed on 4th of November 2016 on my official capacity to be the National Representative Focal Person for Somalia for (OIC/SESRIC)
Certificate of Appreciation
The Chief Executive Officer / Chairperson of SOMKEN DEVELOPMENT AID Abdibasid Sharif Abdinoor.
Honored to receive certificate of appreciation from His Excellency Ambassador Musa Kulaklkaya for participation and contribution of OIC Organization Islamic Cooperation in the field of Public Employment Agency (ISKUR) and Statistical Economic and Social Research and Training Centers for Islamic Countries (SESRIC).
Appointed on 4th of November 2016 on my official capacity to be the National Representative Focal Person for Somalia for (OIC/SESRIC)
Certificate of Attendance
The Chief Executive Officer / Chairperson of SOMKEN DEVELOPMENT AID Abdibasid Sharif Abdinoor.
Honored to receive Certificate from Under Secretary Ebubekir SAHIN of Ministry of Family and Social Policy of Republic of Turkey for participation and contribution of OIC Organization Islamic Cooperation in the field of Raising Awareness and Employment Opportunities with Disabilities of Person in OIC Member Countries. @Istanbul Turkey. — at Radisson Blu Conference & Airport Hotel, Istanbul.
The Chief Executive Officer / Chairperson of SOMKEN DEVELOPMENT AID Abdibasid Sharif Abdinoor.
Honored to receive Certificate from Under Secretary Ebubekir SAHIN of Ministry of Family and Social Policy of Republic of Turkey for participation and contribution of OIC Organization Islamic Cooperation in the field of Raising Awareness and Employment Opportunities with Disabilities of Person in OIC Member Countries. @Istanbul Turkey. — at Radisson Blu Conference & Airport Hotel, Istanbul.
Africa Innovation Technology Award
The Chief Executive Officer / Chairperson of SOMKEN DEVELOPMENT AID Abdibasid Sharif Abdinoor.
Honored with Africa Innovation Technology Award Best Director CLASSIFIED UNDER HUMANITARIAN AWARD) through Regional Director Sir Thomas Tolstrup Hansen.
Good Governance
Supporting Free and Fair Election in Kenya and Somalia The Chief Executive Officer / Chairperson of SOMKEN DEVELOPMENT AID Abdibasid Sharif Abdinoor participating as a voter to vote in Kenya Election civil society plays an important role in government oversight. SOMKEN DEVELOPMENT AID as its core objectives work with Government work as a civil society organization to create an enabling environment for increased civic engagement. We also build the capacity of local organizations and coalitions for sustained and inclusive development. There is a need for citizen voice, collaboration, and oversight for improved governance at national and county levels. SOMKEN DEVELOPMENT AID prioritizes support to grassroot partners organizations for locally-led development and builds the capacity of civil society to engage and catalyze citizen support for development through Donors and Government.
The SOMKEN DEVELOPMENT AID is committed to supporting Kenya and Somalia to promote good governance through independence of the electoral commission, foster a free press and civil society that can oversee the elections, and reduce the drivers of election violence.
List of Participants to the Second Meeting on the Public Employment Services in OIC Member Countries
The Chief Executive Officer / Chairperson of SOMKEN DEVELOPMENT AID Abdibasid Sharif Abdinoor.
Honored to be part of list of dignitaries participant to the second meeting on the public employment services in Organization Islamic Cooperation (OIC ) member Countries on 27 - 28 September venue : Ankara Turkey.
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List of Participants to the Conference on Employment of Persons with Disabilities in OIC Member Countries
The Chief Executive Officer / Chairperson of SOMKEN DEVELOPMENT AID Abdibasid Sharif Abdinoor.
Honored to be part of list of dignitaries participant to the Conference on employment of persons with disabilities in Organization Islamic Cooperation (OIC ) member Countries on 26 - 28 October venue : Istanbul-Turkey.
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Somalia Malaria Indicator Survey
The Chief Executive Officer / Chairperson of SOMKEN DEVELOPMENT AID Abdibasid Sharif Abdinoor contributed supported toward the purpose success of survey donating a diagnostic testing kits of Malaria/PF/PAN (50,000) to Ministry of Health Somalia through WHO World Health Organization.
The Somalia Malaria Indicator Survey (SMIS) of 2014 was undertaken at different times in the three zones of Central South (January-February 2014); Puntland (December 2013-January 2014) and Somaliland (March to April 2014). This coincided largely with the malaria transmission season except perhaps in Somaliland where the survey may have been undertaken slightly outside the transmission season.
Download Survey
Social and Human Development in Somalia
The Chief Executive Officer / Chairperson of SOMKEN DEVELOPMENT AID Abdibasid Sharif Abdinor participating ISKUR -SESRIC OIC meeting representing country Somalia, Presenting Social and Human Development in Somalia with the official capacity as the Chief Executive International Development Affairs Federal Government Republic of Somalia.
Our Strategic Partners
We are proudly associated with the following partners :
Our Impact
The Chief Executive Officer / Chairperson: Mr Abdibasid Sharif Abdinoor and Director General Hon. Hassan Sharif Osman Program impact with implementing partners conference, events Government of Kenya and Government of Federal Republic of Somalia and Grand Parliament Republic of Turkey, International Organizations :- WORLD BANK GROUP.| UNICEF. | WHO. | OIC/SESRIC. | VESTERGAARD FRANDSEN, |STANDARD DIAGNOSTIC INC | ALERE USA GROUP | MOSHCO UNIVERSAL ENTERPRISE AFRICA LIMITED | ABSHANUR INTERNATIONAL ENTEPRISES LIMITED.
Program Videos
Governing Council
Board of Directors
SOMKEN DEVELOPMENT AID is composed of a General Assembly, a Board of Directors [BoD] and a Management Committee (Executive Committee). The General Assembly, being the paramount organ of the organization, which constitutes representatives of the communities, meets every 5 years when it elects the [BoD],The Board of Directors is the decision-making body of the organization, which comprises of 12 persons of hierarchical responsibilities. The organization also has a management Secretariat that implements the resolutions and decisions of the Board of Directors and executes the daily activities and decisions of the organization.
Mr. Abdibasid Sharif Abdinoor
Chief Executive Officer / Chairperson
My life experience and variety of life lessons and circumstances, have informed my motivation to establish this organization; I have gone through a journey of personal transformation, with a broadening shift and a continued commitment to do my very personal best, to make a difference in the world;
Hon. Hassan S. Osman
Director GeneralMr. Mohamed H. Aden
Director of FinanceHis Excellency Mohamed Mohamoud Ibrahim
Director UK & EUM/S Sophia Nzibo
DirectorMr. Godffrey Washiali Kusimba
DirectorMr. Hadii. A. Mohamed
The organization has access for all skilled and experienced professionals who have the capacity to promote the goal and objectives of the organization. SOMKEN activities are carried out by executive board of directors which consists of 12 twelve members the C.E.O | Chairperson, Director General, Director of Finance and Head of Trustee, and Structural Management consist of 17 Seventeen: - Country Director, Program country coordinator, Financial Controller, Regional Manager, Managers, Program Manager, Project Officer, Logistic Officer, Internal Auditor, Security Officer and Office secretary the Executive members are led by the C.E.O | Chairperson.
Global Public Goods
Pharmaceutical & Medical Equipments Products
Education Products
Our organization makes public its policy on refund and cancellation of donations received for the SOMKEN DEVELOPMENT AID social cause on online payment gateway as here-under:
Donations received by SOMKEN DEVELOPMENT AID will be used to support education, healthcare services, promote good governance, community soco-economic welfare, refugee and IDP assistance, relief food, sustainable development research, water provision, nutritional food for children and women as well as youth empowerment of the poor in remote areas.
Any request for cancellations and refund of online donations once duly placed on the website, shall not be entertained. No cash or refund of money will be allowed after completing the online donation as it is an extremely cumbersome process. We therefore request you to seek clarity before you donate.
If an error is made during the online submission of a donation the donor MUST notify SOMKEN DEVELOPMENT AID by email on donate@somken-aid.org or ceo@somken-aid.org within 14 calendar days of the donation otherwise the donor will no longer be eligible and won't be able to receive a refund.. Any such email(s) shall be considered and feedback given on a refund of the amount donated within an additional 14 days.
We encourage our donors to check the range of products and services that SOMKEN DEVELOPMENT AID provides prior to making a donation to ensure it fits your needs.
If at any time you feel that you wish to collect any information on how your money was spent, you are most welcome to contact us. While donating the money, you are free to request for any clarification(s). Our technical team will guide you through the entire process and explain how the donation is utilized.
Once the online payment is made, we will send a confirmation email on our receipt of the donation.
The SOMKEN DEVELOPMENT AID takes your privacy seriously and treats all financial information about any transaction you have with SOMKEN DEVELOPMENT AID as highly confidential. In addition, the SOMKEN DEVELOPMENT AID does not share e-mail addresses or phone numbers of any of our donors or constituents to any third parties.
We are committed to protecting donor personal information from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction. Among other things, we undertake a range of security practices, including measures to help secure web access to sensitive data and undertake efforts to address security vulnerabilities for various tools and databases.
Other Disclosures:
We may disclose information when required by law; when needed to protect our rights, privacy, safety, property, donors, or users; and when necessary to enforce our terms of service.
We may change the Donor Privacy Policy from time to time. Any and all changes will be reflected on this page. Substantive changes may also be announced through the standard mechanisms by which we communicate with our users and community. You should periodically check this page for any changes to the current policy.
Data Retention:
We seek to retain donor-related information only as needed to fulfill the purposes described on his policy unless a longer retention period is required by law or regulations. For example, tax laws in the Kenya may require SOMKEN DEVELOPMENT AID to maintain a record of information and contributions made by donors.
You have certain rights with respect to the information we collect about you. Upon request, we will tell you what information we hold about you and correct any incorrect information. We will also make reasonable efforts to delete your information if you ask us to do so, unless we are otherwise required to keep it.
The request for any donation-related information can be sent to: donate@somken-aid.org or ceo@somken-aid.org or executive direct telephone contact: +254 733 48 16 31
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+254 777 481 631
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